Nubes o Naves

Thursday, July 28, 2011


And here I go again:

Many Atlantis stories tell us that in those days’ humans acquire so much knowledge, that they were capable to create technologies to assist them in many ways making life a wondrous marvel. As their technological world expanded, they forgot the most important aspects of the human soul, which was the connection to the Divine Creator of all life that is and will be.
Chaos and destruction occurred in those times, and the end of that civilization was inevitable, bringing the whole continent into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, in the blink of time. Probably it wasn’t in an instant as they say, but gradually giving them time to think about the errors they were committing, which would bring destruction to their civilization. Apparently they dismissed the results of their actions, and to the bottom of the ocean they went.

Myths and stories have been told, and Atlantis is still rising in our consciences. The connection with Atlantis has never ended, as we have it embedded in our memory. We remember past lives without recognizing this truth, and probably eventually that past will be reveal to ourselves in the silence of our souls, for us to raise Atlantis again.

I believe that when (we) humans together understand that self ego destructive forces go against creation, this will have an impact in our decisions if we want to continue the same modalities or if we should change them to avoid the same mistakes that took this wonderful civilization to its demise.

Apparently we have continued the dismantling of our civilization “Atlantis” through our unconscious minds, not giving a thought that time and space runs in the same direction; giving us a view to the past, present and future, for us to be able to amend those mistakes and bring that which could be useful to avoid those same mistakes again.

If we take a look at our past and understand our present, definitely we can have a better understanding of a great future that can be created by us without the need of doing the same mistakes all over again.
The gods from the old, assisted humanity in those days, and as they did, when Atlantis disappeared; they erased those memories for us to start from “scratch” all over again. They knew we had the capacity and the intelligence to do it better next time, that is why we are still here, trying all over again to see how we do it this time.

Governments of old still govern this world. Governments of old still fight for what is truth or false. Today governments still know where these great cities are found. Markings were left behind to not to forget their true past and for hopes of rebuilding new cities in new land.

These cities are the ones we have now, with the same technological advances and ones that we still can not have. Everything is being taking care of to avoid another calamity, but until then; we must decide to change or succumb into depths of the ocean again. It is not a thread but yes it is an advice, to look into the past for us to change. Destruction must not come again if we awaken our true past to heal and this time “to do it right”.

Two great civilizations have passed and been destroyed and still can be found under our new cities of renown. They have not been destroyed by evil or demons. Not destroyed by greed or corruption, but by ignorance of their egos and detachment from our Source.

As we enter our next stage in our evolution Atlantis is rising from the depths of the ocean to be touched by the light of the Sun when it raises from the East through Saint Michael’s Sword.
Humanity does not have to destroy itself by following the same old walked steps. New paths, new walks will come again and a new world will come to be.

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