Nubes o Naves

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ball Of Fire in the Sky…

Ball Of Fire in the Sky…
Led me to a mysterious find, but not related to this fireball.

As I always say, things happen for a reason; but what is the reason here?
Last night December 25 at 7:45 p.m., I was getting ready to go to bed and went to close the curtains, but before that I stay there looking at the sky. All of a sudden a fiery ball of fire went the sky, from west to east, lightening all the sky and disappearing behind the trees. But before all of this happened I was reading about, those “Historic Photos Found under a Bridge” that were stolen and thrown there.
The photos also include images of President John F. Kennedy's motorcade passing through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, just moments before Lee Harvey Oswald opened fire from the nearby Texas Book Depository.

Anyway, I wanted to recreate what I saw last night and wanted to find a photo in my collection of the photographs that I have of the same area where I saw this ball of fire. For mysterious reasons I found this photo which at the same time has the same ufo that is found in that collection of photographs found under the bridge.
Take a look as I enlarge and cut the photo
But again I wanted info on the exact day of President Kennedy and found another photo of the same day where you can see another ufo behind a building

So, did he really know about these visitors, or is everything just a bull story?
Coincidence or what?
Or does this happened to make us make questions and find the truth once and for all?

I will bring more on this soon.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Chuito y Maso en una parranda navideña

La música jíbara de Puerto Rico nos trae alegría en estos días festivos y siempre recordamos con cariño a Chuito el de Bayamón

Jesús Sánchez mejor conocido como “CHUITO EL DE BAYAMON” se considera como unos de los baluartes de la música jibara de Puerto Rico

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Triangle Ufo's

As always, strange skies and strange ufo’s sightings.
A mysterious formation of a triangle shape in a cloud, formed yesterday while I was parked in a parking lot of a commercial center. I noticed this cloud as it was turning into a triangle, and I took 4 pictures as it changed shapes.

Como siempre, cielos extraños y avistamientos de ufos.
Una misteriosa formación triangular en una nube, se formó ayer mientras me encontraba estacionada en un centro commercial. Tomé cuatro fotografías mientras iba cambiando su forma.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Again UFO Morovis Area - Puerto Rico

These are four photographs of what apparently was an airplane. But before taking these ones, I saw what it looked like and oblong bright object, so I ran to get my camera but it was too late, the object vanish.
Then later I see that an airplane is passing by again, and since I had my camera that I got minutes later, I decided to take a couple of shots just for fun. And what a surprise I got to find out that that airplane turned into something “”else?””
Take a look and these photos and you decide if this airplane is a ufo.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Poll Resutls

Poll question: Do you believe that people in the world today are more open to a change in attitude, and are accepting Love and Peace, as the answer for that change?

Mi Pueblo conducted a poll to find out what the response of the public would be if we have a change in attitude and accept love and peace as the key for that change in the world. There is no doubt that by working together against all of those challenges that the world is confronting; will bring a world where man will set himself free and our world will be for all of us like a big home where everybody lives in harmony, sharing everything that has been given to us, to carry humans into a new renascence, the new evolution of man (our new world).
We the population of the world have been separated for what it seems reasons of culture, politics, religions and son on; but now as the world feels like it is crumbling down, and it is getting stressful and surrounded with chaos everywhere we look, our minds and consciences are beginning to understand that changes must be made (beginning with ourselves) to change our world.
There is nothing that can not be solved, if we get united and grant ourselves with our own freedom to create a new conscience in this world.
Our poll responses: 86% vote for a change in attitude and accept love and peace for the change.
7% vote against
7% gave a no chance for a change in attitude

So that means that there is no doubt that We the World want that change because the majority on Earth wants TO LIVE IN A WORLD OF PEACE. This is basically a respond to “Enough is enough!”

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Probably many of you have seen this video clip, but it is fine if we watch it again because it is of importance to remember who we are in realtion to Earth.

This beautiful video says it all.
We have to be united like a big family. Humans and nature depend on each other. We are here. We share a common ground, full of beauty, but most of all, of love.
Nature is always loving the human being, by nurturing him and accepting this human as part of her. Never believe that nature is in your way, for she has given you the way.
Never cut a tree down, because a tree is part of your family and you don't want to hurt one of your family. Akways think and look at them as your big brothers who take care of you. Love nature, dont let her down.
Remember We are a big familyrobably many of you have watched this video, but it is worth it to watch it again.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Not Everything we see...

Take a look at what "Not everything we see... are exactly clouds. There are two ufo's photographs that were taken at different years. One in Brazil by the year 1950 and the other one taken, 4 years later in Europe; that would be 1954; but the amazing part of it is, that this photo taken in Puerto Rico the day before the Gulf explosion that shook the metropolitan area that day, the sky was full of weird clouds shaped like those ufo’s that I just mention above. If you compare these shapes, what would you think they will tell you? Are these really ufo’s?, Visitors from other worlds?

That day was very strange and I had a feeling that something wrong was happening. For some reason, nothing made that day look like an usual day. But,???

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Quién la Humanidad Necesita para Salvarse a Si Misma?

A quien pueda interesar

A quién la humanidad necesita para salvarse a “sí” misma y liberarse del caos y restaurar la paz en la vida de los humanos? Eso es…Nosotros mismos!, (la humanidad misma) tiene que estar “a cargo” de su propia lucha por la libertad de su propia ignorancia, y esto es…, porque nosotros no sabemos reconocer porque estamos aquí y cual es nuestro propósito en esta vida y la responsabilidad que tiene la humanidad como una “Gran familia.”
Mientras más cosas nuevas experimentamos, nuevos estilos de vida, nuevas tecnologías,nuevos avances en la ciencia, tecnologias espaciales y medicina, además de todo lo que tiene que ver con una “civilización avanzada”; (dejando atras el estado de mono); parecería que todas estas cosas son en vano,(aunque han sido creadas con buenas intenciones y por la voluntad de Dios para nosotros); hemos ido corrompiendo todo lo que nos ha sido brindado por la fuerza creadora del Universo y la Tierra, para nuestro bién;y nuestro paso en esta vida.
Por donde quiera que miramos, todavía hay confusión en la mente y corazones de las personas, porque todo ha sido corrompido hasta cierto punto, que las cosas ya no están claras como para sentirse seguros y libres de los asechos inflinjidos por la humanidad a si misma.
Todo el mundo hala para su propio lado, sin saber que todos estamos en la misma forma de vida y lugar, y no se dan cuenta de que tenemos que compartir más de lo que hemos compartido en nuestra historia pasada; porque si compartimos en una forma de vida pacifica y nos mantenemos centralizados en el significado de nuestras creaciones como humanidad, eso desviara la ignorancia fuera de nuestra vida diaria, trayendo lo que todos hemos deseado y “siempre lo hemos deseado”;… “Libertad”
Esta libertad hara que la humanidad trabaje unidad y re-evalue lo que ella misma ha creado através de los milenios, y aceptar que todo lo que será y ha sido; fué un regalo para nosotros con solo un propósito;… Vivir y experimentar lo que la vida significa en esta dimension, para el mejoramiento de nuestras almas y el progreso hacia una vida majer.
Si nos mantenemos en paz con nosotros mismos; muchas grandes cosas podrán ser adquiridas. Lo primero será; ENTENDERNOS ENTRE NOSOTROS MISMOS. Luego, EL AMOR fluirá tan fácil que las cosas darán un giro hacia un futuro más creativo, que no solo nos traerá comodidad,abundancia,alegría y paz eterna, y muchas otras cosas más, que el ser humano todavía no entiende y cree que pueda creer que esto sea una realidad en si.
La humanidad tiene sus visions, pero aunque esto sea cierto, (como la humanidad visualiza las cosas), a veces se les presentan dudas en su camino, debido al programa de la mente que les dice(no eres nadie o nada, o “eres solamente algo que fué creado sin ningún propósito en esta vida); que hará que estas visions desaparezcan y su potencial creativo ya no soportará la visión para su creación; siendo esta la que fue traída a la mente de él o ella; dejando a este humano fuera de la carrera hacia un futuro mejor.

Pero que tal si esto fuera todo lo contrario? Esta es muy facil! Luego ese ser humano, se habrá unido con el resto de los otros humanos que entienden y representan lo que un ser humano es capaz de hacer y consecuentemente expandir la fuerza creasional en este planeta para aclarar las cosas y hacer que la humanidad se sienta libre de si misma. Luego es cuando comienza, “la carrera de la felicidad” para todo el mundo en este planeta.

Nadie, ni siquiera los gobiernos falsos o las religiones nos detendrán de “SER QUIENES SOMOS” y nuestras almas y corzones seran libres para nosotros; para continuar hacia un futuro con el boleto más grande (en nuestros bolsillos) sabiendo que la humanidad está a cargo del bienestar de todo, nosotros, el planeta y el Universo (con la responsabilidad que corresponde a cada uno) por ese futuro.

Si comenzamos a “transformarnos” a nosotros mismos y liberarnos nosotros mismos; de todo este miedo y posiciones de ataduras, no habrá nadie que pueda decir que no tendremos una oportunidad para ganar; porque mientras más nos unamos y nos amemos el uno al otro, y mientras más compasión y compartamos con cada uno; esa sera la fuerza más grande que alguna vez será creada en esta tierra; que nadie con intenciones obscuras podra ser capaz de derrotar.
Nosotros somos una gran fuerza unida que Gaia (la Tierra), nuestro hermoso planeta ha aceptado y alimentado con su amor por centurias, y ahora ella se merece nuestros esfuerzos como una humanidad unida, para restaurarla y a nosotros mismos, de esa aparente prisión que fué creada por la “ignorancia”, y que nosotros aceptamos como nuestra realidad.

Mantengamonos unidos! Traigamos esos boletos fuera de nuestros bolsillos y comencemos el viaje de alegría de nuestras vidas. Nosotros nos lo merecemos, porque hemos trabajado mucho por conseguirlo, y el tiempo está acercándose para ver y sentir nuestra nueva creación que ha estado grabada en nuestros corazones por un largo tiempo o una eternidad.
Estamos listos para entrelazar nuestras emociones, creaciones, sentimientos, compasión y sobre todo (El Amor, el cual es la fuerza principal que nos une), através de este planeta y utilizar nuestro boleto para el viaje más feliz de nuestras vidas?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

TV Mind Control For Dummies!

Very interesting video on how television can manipulate your "MIND"
This is really happening and that is why people are all confused in their lives and live in war with each other, and crime is rampant in the world. Ah! But not always are lies in everything we see or watch, and that will depend on how you discern the news or tv programs.
We have to have a good sense to know what is true or not.
The real truth comes from within you, because you know what is correct and what is wrong in others people actions, and that is what is making the world awake into the real reality to understand better who we are. Never the less, we should not signal the others who are on the wrong path, for they will also “realize” that this world can not continue this path of destruction and we are beginning to understand the necessity that we have to save our Earth and its humanity because there was a purpose from the beginning for us to exist on this beautiful planet.
People are saying enough to this false reality, and this is the beginning of great things to come.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Cloudships or Weird clouds?

Abnormal clouds or something more than a mere cloud formation shaped like a spaceship or “cloud-ship”, as they are being called?
Some times we are so obfuscated in our daily lives that we don’t even have time to look at the skies, but for some reasons, sometimes we get to be in the right place at the right moment to presence the most unbelievable things we can imagine in that moment, and if we are aware that that something is more than what we believe it is to be “just pure coincidence”, then we can come with some ideas of what this might be. Of course to clarify our ideas, then we have to look for information related to what we just experience and things are going to clarify or just simply put us in a situation of “more questions than before”.
We have to have in mind that our world is changing very rapidly, due to all the things that we as a collective human race, have created in the past and what we want to create in our future.

Our present, “this moment we are living now”, as I write this post, is in-routing us into new adventures and creations for the not so distance future with the best will and desire in our hearts to change this world, and always having in mind that our Earth goes first than us. Remember home? What would you do if you loose your house?

Welll, the Earth is our Home, our Mother and everything we can imagine, that is why we have to take care of here now and always.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Clouds behind the Moon?

I searhed and made questions about "the clouds behind the moon", but almost no information on this topic. I was not able to find more information.

The only information so far is:

“No, Clouds are never higher than about 8 miles over your head most are only a couple. The Moon is like a million miles away and is always behind the clouds."

So then, What is going on?

This is a strange phenomenon and probably somebody has an answer for it? Any answers? What is going on?

I also found this video where you can see clearly how the clouds are passing behind the moon.

More people took great photos here are the links:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My experiences during and after the Gulf refinery explosion...

A Monster
outside my Window

As our new world is being created, men are still resisting the idea of change; A change towards peace, joy and most of all, a change into the energy of creation, which is “Love”.

On Thursday we had to go to an appointment with the dentist and all the way to where we were going the sky was very eerie. I must say that every time we have to go out I take my camera with me. I took over 90 photographs, because indeed it was very strange.On our way back we enter into a terrible traffic jam, and there was (apparently) no reason for it; but we got home ok and not too late either. The day went on and I did not have any desire to even talk or connect to internet. My senses were spinning like sensing something wrong. I went to sleep and when I got up next day, I looked through the window but it was still dark. Then I turned on the radio and they were talking about something that was happening that I could not understand. I turned on the tv, and there it was; a terrible explosion in the old oil refinery, which produced a shock wave trough the entire metropolitan area.As you can imagine, many things went through my mind, but I was calm.
As the day went by, everything got complicated. More explosions and people were being evacuated to other areas. Prisoners from the federal detention center (jail); were being transported to other detention centers, and all for the fear to the fumes of all the chemicals that were burning in the refinery, (which it is not use as a refinery any more, just as a reserve facility); they did “good”; and were fast in moving everyone to safety, while the fire and smoke was growing bigger. Every assistance came as fast as you can imagine. Experts from all kinds (meteorologists, environmental, FBI, police, Homeland Security, Government); every kind of help you can imagine gathered in minutes to support what was happening; The media very brave to enter and get close to the scene to bring us the news of what was happening; even something else, that I will tell you later.
Our eyes and minds were focused on the events as they unfolded, while some people try to bring into attention that this might had been a “terrorist act”; which reminded us the 911 event that shocked the world. I was there all morning listening, and watching “The monster outside my window” growing bigger like and eruption of a volcano, (even thou I live far away from that area). For a moment I went into “fear”, thinking about the change of the winds and asking me what the repercussions of this was going to bring for the municipalities on the path of the “black monster”I try to entertain myself watering the plants not to bring fear into my heart, then around 4:30 my niece called me to make me look at the horizon, and to see how the “black monster”, was coming our way. We kept on doing what we were doing, working with the plants and watering them, but could not keep our eyes off from that horrendous mass of black smoke. It felt like we were going to have pretty nasty night, trying to breeze through that soup of particulate that was going burn our respiratory system (which is something they told us in the news).
But as I kept on watching, suddenly I knew that everything was going to be ok. White clouds started to move towards the black smoke, like pushing it to the north. The winds stayed steady all day and night, with some slight changes. I could see how these clouds were there to help. They were like absorbing “the soup”. It was like a gathering of angels pushing the monster away from us. (This is what I was going to tell you “later”By night, more and bigger explosions were felt, and more worries about where the wind was going to go. Despite all of that, I went to sleep. I disconnected myself from what was happening, until this morning. When I opened the window to see how everything looked.
The black smoke was almost gone and I could see a big white cloud that was on top of it like sucking the rest of it. I stayed there watching this. After two hours passed, I could see less and less smoke. The sky looks like nothing happened, although I don’t know what has happen since last night. Now, at 15 minutes to 10:00 there are more white clouds that look like spaceships going toward the rest of the trail of smoke in the horizon.
What I feel in my heart is; that nature cares for the Earth and Us, and does not want man to pollute her with their errors. If these was an attempt to distract us from our new reality, God has send his angels on a rescue mission, that I know I will never forget, for they are there, cleaning the air.

As I see it now:
Yesterday, We waked up with a terrible example of “the end days” that at the same time will create our new world, for all of this is going to change how we are going to respond and what our responsibilities will be for our new future. There is no doubt that who ever or what ever cause this interruption in our lives and the Earth and the purpose for it, is going to be brought to light. We know that we don’t want these things to ever happen again, especially in our new future.

God is everywhere present, and will not aloud his creation to be stop. The sky is still hazy, but the light is shining through the clouds. I will keep on letting the light shine in through my window, no matter if is cloudy, hazy or dark, for I know God will enter every time the windows will be open.Ellion (a friend of mine), said to me that we should leave them open all the time, well, Yes! He is right.

Part 2
I have to say that things still look pretty bad, and they are trying to make it look worst, but I see two forces in a battle field.
Now they are saying that they will have to move 40,000 people to underground facilities? UMM! This does not sound good to me. Why don’t they move them to the far side of the island or to their family’s home? Why is it that they have to do it that way? Something does not look pretty good here.
Assistance from the US is here to see if these facilities are in conditions to use them as shelter. These are supposed to be old facilities but; what about the new ones that “supposedly” they made in that same area of Guaynabo? I can not (because I am a warrior of heart) to stop looking or feeling what is right or wrong, and this is not because I don’t accept God’s will and the way things must be done by his will, or nothing like that, it is because sometimes, are not handle in God’s way.
I think they are taking this out of proportions and making things worst than what they are, creating more anxiety to people and more chaos with something that can be work out in other way. Why don’t they let them decide where they should go? I am not saying the government should ignore people, but the government should take care of this in a less chaotic manner. I know some people don’t have ways of transportation or families to take care of them, but what about the ones that can move on their own? Why not open a highway for the ones that can move to other places? Is this a joke?
Sometimes I can feel that there is some kind of manipulation with these situations to worsen things, to create more chaos; since the populace feels that they depend absolutely on the government for their safety, they surrender to what the governments ask or say; but I know there are others that leave everything to God’s will and surrender to his mercy for assistance and pray for everything to slow down and end this nightmare.

When we unite in prayers; miracles happen! We all know that. We know that that is one of the strongest forces in our hearts (prayers), and they solidify with the strongest one, that is LOVE.

I still look through my window each day and night, and I see angels working day and night to get rid of this dark cloud, and if I am hallucinating, then where am I? Should I have to be thrown into a cell in a psychiatric clinic for treatment? I know that while all of this is taking place, many souls are praying for God’s assistance, but they are doing it in silence, not knowing that more and more people are doing the same. This is what is making the “other force” enter into the battle field.
People are calling in silence for the energy of Love to pour into this situation and bring it smoothly to and end; for government misestimate the power that humans have to change things around, united with just only a prayer.
As Mother God says: “Magical and synchronistic events are happening and will happen”, and all of them will be and will come out from Love. The road for us still hard to go through, but we will succeed if we don’t let ourselves fall into false illusions created by the ones that want to confine us in a cell without windows. We all often say “that there is light at the end of the tunnel” and this is true. We can move through the Golden Road together in a peaceful way, united to create a new foundation for our new world.

One more thing; my heart is with all the ones that need assistance in these moments around the world. They are our human family, and with prayers, we must send our love to help them clear the way for their soul’s freedom. I keep monitoring the black cloud, in case we have to move, for God have given us ways to move around. Angel Glorian would not resist this dark cloud; her lungs don’t work in full capacity. She is concerned about it, but I know we are going to make it through. This will soon be over.

My friends respond were:

“Very Beautiful... Remember fear does not exist, its just false evidence appearing Real. Yes, Lucy God is EveryWhere Present. Love Mother and Father God”
WOWW dearest Lucy,Beautiful foto's and story, but you get the best thoughts Hon...Thank you Love,Madelaine

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds! Can I just tell you how much I admire your courage and bravery! Amon Ra! Tally ho! You just showed so much strength and depth of faith by pulling yourself and your family through that "fearful" event, rooting yourself in lovelighttruth consciousness!I have gained inspiration from your tale indeed! A shining example for us all in the turbulent times to come and my heart in prayer also goes out to all who will be confronted with the darkness before the light. We have to keep the truth ever close to our hearts now beloveds, no matter what may befall, we will rise into the light of loving oneness as has been promised us all! Thank you, love you, namaste ~ may love, joy and peace be with you each moment of NOW, each and every beautiful new day.

My replies:

God knows how I wish for everything to be the way it has been promised to us, but I also know that we have to earn it.
That is the thing here, spreading fear into the populace and this makes things worst.

Part 3

Yesssss, As Father and Mother says; Love Wins!

And, We won!

Yesterday during morning hours and while writing a reply to Mother God and Madelaine, I would go and look outside the window to see how everything was going.

When I said “I see angels in the sky” working to end this event, yes they were there. I’m not the only one who saw them, because a woman who was close to that area and looking at this black cloud, in a given moment; she saw how a figure (like a human figure with wings) came from nowhere and enter into the center of the black cloud. She called a radio program (La Hora Magica- Magical Hour, which I sometimes listen to), to tell them about her experience. How about that! That really confirmed what I was seeing.

Everybody was united. Some worried and others not; some were crying, and others in joy helping others. Everything took a different turn. Cloudships started to appear in the horizon at an equal distant from each other; moving along side of the dark cloud from east to northwest. Pushing and collecting those harmful fumes. And while I was watching this every 15 minutes or half and hour, something inside me was telling me that this was going to be over very soon; and it was.

Yesssssss!; by the afternoon all the fire was off. The air, perfect and good to breeze as the collector centers to monitor the air quality reported. People can not believe this, because of the toxicity of the quemcals burning in that site.Yes, people with great consciences, a strong and wonderful heart, join their spirits to “”the spirits in the sky””, to conquer the black cloud. This is another “revelation” that we are not alone. God is closer to us than what we think. Yes God is everywhere present! There are so many people on Earth that believe in God’s strength “Love”, that thanks to them, The Big Change is going to come soon for us. I feel that good news is going to be here very soon.

My heart thanks every man and woman who gave support with great love in this moment, risking their lives for the benefit of others, and definitely I am most grateful, to the “anonymous” Angels in the Sky.
Thank you for joining me with your higher thoughts Now everything is fine thanks to everyone and specially God’s Angels

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"The Awakening" (El Despertar) de Max Igan

"En el Siglo 21, el mundo experimenta momentos difíciles. No importa como lo miremos o que actitud positiva adoptemos"....

Este video consiste de 7 partes muy interesantes que nos ayudaran a ver las cosas de otro punto de vista.
Son muchas las experiencias nuevas para todos nosotros, pues los secretos ocultos siguen siendo revelados de diversas formas.
Es mi humilde opinión, debemos ver el panorama general de todo lo que ocurre y como es expresado através de voces que llevan en su intento ser servidores de la verdad y la vida humana.
Estas voces llevan la alerta para que despertemos nuestras conciencias y podamos conquistar un nuevo futuro.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Project Camelot interviews Dr. Paul LaViolette

Dr. Paul LaViolet is a brilliant astrophysicist very well known for his research of a new theory of matter that he calls Subquantum Kinetics (based on systems theory, which he studied for his PhD thesis) and for his carefully argued hypothesis. In 1983 he points out that our galactic center emits devastating waves ( in intervals in millions or hundreds of years) which he terms as (Superwaves)
This interesting video presented by Project Camelot will bring to us a new way of looking at how these “superwaves ‘’ have had an impact on Earth in the past and our future.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Astronautas Antiguos o Aliens?

La mayoría de nosotros conocemos la teoría de Von Daniken (escritor de Chariots of the Gods), sobre la misteriosa presencia de seres extraterrestres, la cúal se encuentra en artefactos arqueológicos y en manuscriptos. Este video es revelador y aunque muchas personas conocen su contenido, no deja que nosotros continuemos haciendonos preguntas sobre estos "Antiguos Astronautas".
Pregunta: Serían los antiguos astronautas gigantes? Bueno, solamente observen todo lo que puedan con respecto a este tema y tal vez uds. mismos lleguen a una conclusion.
Es derecho de todos conocer nuestro origen, tal vez esta sea una buena razón para que el ser humano se reinvente una nueva forma de actuar.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Visitantes del espacio, Antiguos o actuales?

Este video fue hecho en el 2008
Aquí vemos un atardecer y una nube con una forma
muy peculiar. Como podemos ver tiene la misma forma
de la supuesta nave extraterrestre representada en esta
figurilla antigua.
Nave de astronautas antiguos?
Astronautra sentado al centro de la nave?
De esta misma manera, en la nube vemos como un ser aparece
al centro de la nube.
La foto no ha sido manipulada para representar un astronauta en ella. Simplemente se han
hecho ajustes para revelar su silueta.
Los interesados pueden copiar esta foto la cual se encuentra en los albumes de Google y estudiarla por uds. mismos. Puede que tengan mejor suerte en su estudio.
Ahora vea el video y compare la nube y la nave a ver si uds pueden ver la similitud.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Efecto de las emociones sobre el agua

Los efectos positivos y negativos de la energía sobre el agua’
Positive and Negative Energy Effects on Water Crystals

Los descubrimientos hechos de el efecto que produce la energía positiva y negativa sobre el agua; son extraordinarios. Bueno, más que eso, son increíbles al entendimiento humano, pero no obstante, el resultado de estas investigaciones han hecho que nos acerquemos al "secreto de la vida" y las emociones que existen en la naturaleza.
Nosotros somos parte integral de esta naturaleza, que fluye divinamente y armoniosamente cuando el ser humano está en su expresion pasiva y de amor, trayendo bienestar general a todo lo que le rodea y a su propio ser.

Al ser testigos de estas investigaciones, podemos entender que realmente pertenecemos “al TODO”, que somos parte de ésta creación universal, y que de ninguna manera podemos negar la existencia de fuerzas mayores las cuales han sido las responsables de esta maravillosa creación.

Si nos damos cuenta de que nuestro planeta está compuesto mayormente por agua, y nuestros cuerpos igualmente; entonces podemos aceptar también que el universo está compuesto del mismo elemento escencial para la formacion de la vida EN TODO.

Nos encontramos con el dialecto de la presencia extraterrestre, y hasta ahora nos ha parecido un tanto difícil entender estas revelaciones, pero si avanzamos un poco en pensamiento y tratamos de apaciguar el mismo, veremos que hay muchas cosas que nos pueden indicar que esta presencia extraterrestre la tenemos frente a nuestros ojos constantemente y siempre ha estado aquí.

En este video aparecen lo que llamamos "orbs or seres de luz. Las fotos en el video fueron tomadas una mañana cubierta de una neblina muy densa. Observe a estas esféras y vean sus características. Unas tienen caras y otras diferentes formas.
Mi observación después de haber visto el efecto que producen las vibraciones negativas y positivas sobre el agua, me llevaron a pensar en este video que hice sobre las esféras representa la vida que existe en esa dimensión que es ajena a nuestros ojos y que se compone escencial de agua.

No es fácil señalar que nuestras nubes sí son extraterrestres, pues ellas se forman en el espacio. Tampoco, no nos preguntamos porque hay agua en cometas, la luna, Marte y miles y miles de planetas y cuerpos en el cosmos, que forman parte de este universo.
Bueno, tal vez ahora con estos descubrimientos, el ser humano encuentre la clave verdadera a la vida y la salud de todo, aunque ya podemos ver que la base perfecta para una vida pura es la palabra “AMOR”
El Amor es el secreto a todo. Es Universal y la única solución a los males en general de el ser humano, nuestro planeta y el Universo.
Este video nos muestra el efecto de la vibración del amor sobre el agua. Si nosotros mandamos esta energía a todo lo que nos rodea, cambiaremos completamente la habilidad de nuestros cuerpos para lograr uno completamente saludable; y la Tierra puede ser restaurada a su forma original.
Pueden uds. preguntarse porque hay nubes obscuras en el cielo?

Tengo un pensamiento que quiero compartir con todos uds.
Actualmente existe mucho caos en el mundo. Los gobiernos luchan por balanciar las diferencias entre ellos y las personas tratan de sobrevivir a los efectos producidos por estas situaciones, las cuales desafortunadamente caen sobre los hombros de todas las criaturas en este planeta. Cuando existe todo este caos, se produce un cambio sin precedentes en el sistema climático. Esto hace que se produzcan tormentas de grandes proporciones, terremotos, fuegos, inundaciones, etc. etc., pero lo más común es, la presencia de nubes gris intenso y muy obscuras sobre las áreas más afectadas por el caos.
Las nubes se componen de vapor de agua, por lo tanto, si un lugar en este planeta esta pasando por conflictos humanos,( ya sabemos como afecta el odio sobre el agua), pues lo más lógico es que se formen nubes obscuras sobre ese lugar.
Nuestra isla caribeña está presenciando estos cielos grises hace unas cuantas semanas ya, y a mi entender, esto se debe a las malas energías que están siendo transmitidas por la población, debido a la inestabilidad emocional que está pasando, por los cambios denuciados por nuestro gobierno. Esto ha hecho que la población entre en una depresión colectiva, sintiendo tristeza, odio, rechazo, desunión y otras clases de sentimientos, que son totalmente negativos, mandando así esta onda negativa a todo lo que nos rodea.

Si mi Pueblo está leyendo este post, quiero que sepan que les mando la major vibración de amor con este mensaje y desde mi corazón y pedirles que calmen sus emociones, que haya entendimiento, y que nos unamos todos en un sentimiento de paz y amor, pues es la única forma que podremos contrarrestar todo el mal que ha surgido en nuestra isla.
Pronto veremos que nuestros cielos estarán llenos de sol, amor y llegará la abundancia para todos.

Un pueblo ciego no puede ver la capacidad que tiene para crear nuevos caminos.

La gracia de nuestro creador está siempre con nosotros, pero somos ignorantes de esta verdad.
La iglesia utiliza agua bendita para bendecir, porque ellos conocen esta verdad, pero nunca fué revelada como tal a sus seguidores. Ya uds pueden ver que el bautismo tiene un propósito.
Miles de personas visitan pozos de agua en busca de sanación, y todo esto se debe a la fe, a la buena intención del amor y al reconocimiento de que solo Dios o nuestro creador ( o como lo quieran poner), es verdaderamente el todo y lo único real.
Comenzamos a entender que el ‘’AMOR” es la energía verdadera que lo puede conquistar todo.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saludo a los Guerreros Pasivos

Saludo a los guerreros pasivos

Saludos a todos los que desean al igual que yo, en contribuir de alguna manera a traer conciencia de las situaciones en las cuales nos encontramos hoy en día, debido a los cambios drásticos que están ocurriendo en nuestro planeta Tierra.

Son muchas las situaciones difíciles por las cúales estamos pasando; y eso ya estaba profetizado hace mucho tiempo atrás.

Entre las profesías, los descubrimientos arqueológicos y sumando a esto la ciencia, ya se ha podido comprobar que nuestro planeta volverá a pasar por situaciones que serán muy difíciles para todos los seres humanos.

Esta no es una noticia alentadora, pero Dios creo todo con un plan y todas estas cosas son parte de ese plan.

Queda de nuestra parte, dar un giro de pensamiento y acciones, aumentando así la conciencia colectiva, hacia el lado positivo, procurando establecer las mejores relaciones y acciones que nacen del AMOR hacia los demás; y de esta manera TODOS unidos evitar que aumenten estos cambios que están por ocurrir los cuales ya han sido anunciados en el pasado, através de las profesías y las apariciones de la Virgen de Fátima.

Los gobiernos lo saben y el Vaticano también, pero ahora nosotros también estamos aceptando que algo muy dificil está por ocurrir, por que los cambios son obvios, y los medios de comunicación nos están adviertiendo constantemente sobre los mismos.

Debemos compartir estas malas y buenas noticias, "las cuales hay muchas", porque todos tenemos derecho a corregir nuestros errores y tener las mismas oportunidades que tienen los más privilegiados y poder conocer éstas noticias através de este sistema electrónico el cúal ha sido la mejor herramienta para el conocimiento de tantos eventos, que hasta hace unos pocos años eran desconocidos por la mayoría de la población mundial.

Unámonos en un abrazo fraternal, levantemos nuestras conciencias y espíritu, para evitar mayores consecuencias y que nuestro planeta Tierra no sea destruído por la inconciencia humana.

Vive en paz. Se feliz. Da lo mejor de ti. Proteje el ambiente.
Aprende alternativas para evitar el derroche de energía y no dejes de pensar que después de esto vendrán mejores tiempos.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Subidas y Bajadas - Caminos del ser humano

Según nos vamos acercando a lo que muchos llaman el “Fin de los tiempos”, nos encontramos en un camino con subidas y bajadas. Las subidas son, los momentos en los cuales nuestros corazones sienten todo lo positivo que nos afecta, haciendo que veamos la vida de una forma muy diferente y positiva a la que se encuentra en el camino en bajada.
Cuando digo el camino en bajada, me refiero a esos caminos donde el ser humano se hunde en cosas negativas, que hacen que su espiritu se reduzca y se envuelva en un mundo caótico el cúal hace que la vida que está ante nosotros sea difícil de entender y soportar.
Aunque todos nosotros nos encontramos viviendo en un mismo espacio (en la Tierra) y todos nuestros cuerpos esten compuestos de la misma materia, nuestros espiritus funcionan de acuerdo al progreso espiritual de cada uno de nosotros, según cada uno de nosotros haya superado el camino de subidas y bajadas.

Muchos continuan en un nivel prácticamente negativo, viviendo sus vidas en una ilusión material, desmedida, y ciegos ante la realidad de que somos seres increíbles, de cualidades desconocidas, por la falta de entendimiento y conocimiento de lo que significa ésta realidad que estamos viviendo.

Otros se encuentran en el medio del camino de subidas y bajadas, contemplando los dos lados de esta realidad. Disfrutan de las experiencias positivas, pero a la misma vez se envuelven en el remolino de las experiencias negativas, lo cúal hace que estas personas vivan una vida inestable por no entender que sólo el camino positivo es el único que trae paz a nuestras almas y corazones.

Los seres humanos que se encuentran totalmente en el camino de subidas, experimentan una vida totalmente de paz. Son capaces de entender lo que realmente significa la vida y el porque estamos aquí. Ellos tienen ante sus ojos un camino lleno de creatividad, abundancia y amor, lo que significa que ya han superado los vaivenes de la vida material. Ellos pueden entender los caminos que fueron puestos ante sus vidas y através de experiencias difíciles, llegaron a comprender, que tomando el camino positivo, eso les abriría el paso hacia el camino de un mundo Nuevo, donde finalmente ese mundo caótico desaparecería para siempre.
Ellos han actuado de forma natural, de la misma manera que actua el universo. El universo se expande, se recrea, continua, busca expandir su luz y su conciencia crece en el conocimiento de la creación.
Escoger entre estos caminos, corresponde a cada uno individualmente, aunque todos estemos viviendo en el mismo espacio, (la Tierra).

Posiblemente muchos entenderán que sólo el camino material es el verdadero para ellos, y otros verán que los caminos ante sus ojos son lo que son y lo único que existe; pero habrá los que naturalmente entenderán que sólo el camino positivo, es el único camino a recorrer.

Para lograr este camino positivo, hay que sentir amor verdadero en el corazón. El entendimiento y la hermandad, juntos con la compasión y aceptación de los errores de otros. La perfección será garantizada através del crecimiento espiritual de cada uno de nosotros, por lo tanto, podemos buscar ayuda leyendo escrituras que nos abran los sentidos y conocimientos de este mundo positivo que todos deseamos encontrar.
No todas las escrituras existentes son definidas o claras, pero hay sin dudas muchas escrituras que son de gran ayuda para asistirnos en el entendimiento de lo que somos, quienes somos, que hacemos aquí, de donde venimos y hacia donde iremos despues de esta vida.

Todos los seres que ya han adquirido su diploma en el curso de la vida, dedican sus vidas al trabajo de la luz. Ellos nos enseñan las virtudes del ser humano, nos guían, y nos traen las formas adecuadas para nosotros encontrarnos a nosotros mismos.

Todos tenemos derecho a vivir en un mundo mejor, en un mundo de paz y unión; por lo tanto, estos seres de luz actuamente se encuentran en la Tierra, porque han sido traídos aquí, en estos momentos donde nos acercamos al “El fin de los Tiempos”, para asistirnos en la transcisión a la nueva era; la nueva era que es llamada, “La Era Dorada”.
Atualmente, naciones se unen en un abrazo dirigido a recorrer juntos el camino hacia la Paz.
Jovenes en el mundo continuan su batalla pasiva, trayendo sus mensajes positivos de amor y unión fraternal a la humanidad, para que finalmente todos demos ese salto, "un cambio de conciencia", y dejemos atrás todos esos caminos negativos que ya no conducen a ningún lugar; sólo, a la destrucción.

Todos queremos vivir, nadie desea morir. Todos deseamos ser felices. Nadie desea vivir entre el odio, o sin amor. Todos deseamos paz. Nadie desea vivir en guerras, nunca más.
El mundo lo ha decretado, la humanidad lo ha
decretado, por lo tanto, el camino a la nueva era llegará
sin darnos cuenta, porque ya lo estamos creando.

Paz y Amor para todos en este mundo.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Concierto Sin Fronteras

Concierto Sin Fronteras
Concert for Peace in Cuba

Once more we have an example of Love between brothers and sisters of the world. Brave warriors of Love from all over the world did it again!
Yesterday Cuba experienced a marvelous concert that reunited people from around the world to bring the message of Love to all our brothers in Cuba.
Tears flowed from peoples eyes as they contemplate the happiness of the crowd that followed the songs with joy in their hearts. Their hands were waving to the sky, as they raised their spirits in an embrace of Love in a moment where peace reigned in all their souls.
Even the heat from the Sun, could not stop these great artists and musicians to keep with their intent of bringing this message of Love.
More than a million and hundred and fifty Cubans gathered at La Plaza de la Revolución over a period of five hours, in a concert “ (Paz sin Fronteras- Peace without Frontiers”),promoted by Juanes.
Other musicians and singers from Spain, Italy, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Venezuela and Cuba join him to bring this message with Love and for Love to all in Cuba.
This event is an example of how our young crowds are willing and feeling that a change in the world must be made, in order to finally stop all wars, injustices, and crimes that are happening in the world.
Humanity is awakening and is expressing their feelings to Mother Earth and Humanity itself.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock

2012: Tragedy, transcension or just another year? David Wilcock exposes many great secrets: DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, three-dimensional time, the Mayan Calendar and much, much more!

Link to all videos

Poll - Encuesta

Mi Pueblo has added a new poll,
You can go to the bottom of the page where you can add your VOTE

Your VOTE is very important to us,
Thank so much.

The question is:

Do you believe that people in the world today are more open to a change in attitude, and are accepting Love and Peace, as the answer for that change?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

History of the Earth by Hanna Hayes

Esta es una serie de 40 videos que nos recomiendan ver
antes de que sean removidos de Youtube.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Melchizedek Speaks (post update from Galactic Friends)

Este es un update de Galactic Friends

Melchizedek Speaks:"Those Ones on Earth now, who are sensitive definitely feel a change in the local climate, regarding numbers of Visitors from Other Planets in the local area. There is so much love surrounding the Planet, there has been no gathering this large, of this many, in Earth history. Naturally, many wonder about mass decloakings. There indeed will be decloakings of Motherships, seen in this hemisphere. This will be witnessed by too many to deny the fact. This will be seen in a populated area. There is clearance for this Op now.It is not if, but when. When these motherships reveal themselves, it will bring a wave of LOVE to those witnessing it, that it will be absolutely contagious. Those who never give UFOs a second thought, will be met at home, by their previous nonbelieving spouse, or family member. The witness to decloakings will express the First Contact in such loving and compassionate terms, the family members too will be effected by the onslaught of pure love. They will not, after seeing their eyes, and feeling the love in their heart, be able to deny, their loved one saw something very real. It is this way, when this happens in waves, it gets the whole lot of them ready, and eagerly anticipating, more and more decloakings; mass decloakings.9/9/09 will bring us to 75% power in the crystalline grid structure of Earth. With the crystals pulsating their energy out to the pyramids, portals, and star gates, located inside Earth, we will have optimum power to operate our technology on Earth. This goes hand in hand with mass decloakings. After arrests, after Announcements, then we may bring free energy and replicators, as well as healing machines out for use all over the World. The crystalline grid is what these machines link into, these sentient computers, draw their power and downloads from these crystals.This completion/completion/completion, is not only for individuals, but also for Earth. Now Gaia may cocreate the New Earth she wants. She will cocreate the dissolution of current transportation. There will be a dissolution of manufacturing, ships, trains, airliners, and all things causing pollution and driven by greed markets. There simply will be no need for these things and they will not be missed. The technology which is coming, which is sentient, will bring so much convenience to us, we will not say no to doing without, with simply dissolving back to particles, these old polluters. There will be such a profound effect on our bodies and our lands, we will not need anyone to explain to us why it is a good idea. There will be instant gratification when it comes to cleaning up our act. Gaia and Vywamus will have so much stronger capabilities for healing, people living here today will be mystified by how good it can be, with such little effort.Currently the banks are literally dissolving. The infrastructure and processes inside banking systems, will no longer be utilized. New banking infrastructure will be put into place. This new infrastructure will be kindler, gentler, and most appreciated by all. The simplicity and fairness of it will be striking. There will be more than enough joy joy joy to go around. With economic easement, we will look around at what can be accomplished first for the good of all. This is when new healing technologies will be revealed. Healing with light technology will be so effective, hospitals will slowly, slowly, empty of their patients. People will walk bewildered out of their hospital beds to go home to a new life.This will cause great shifts in how people spend their time each day. They will be amazed how different life can be when they are no longer burdened with chronic illness. Imagine!People will start to get the idea that their personal relationships will change. Any arrangement based on greed, or less than love, will be mutually dissolved. There will be a propensity to gravitate to love. It will be easy to feel and easy to find. No one will any longer be able to tolerate accepting less than love and only love. People will recognize they no longer desire mundane lives, but instead insist life is fulfilling and fun.All of the plans, programs, and infrastructure changes, needed immediately, are already in place and currently being reviewed for compatibility with the current conditions. Beside this, there are continued changes in the firmament of Earth, bodies of water and continents shifting. All of the power centers of Earth are reawakening to their energy. The Earth's crystalline grids being activated by the 9/9/09 portal opening will effect every land mass, on Earth, and under the Sea. All of these changes will be positive. All of these changes are necessary to power up the new technologies.The veil has dropped to the point of no longer feeling/perceiving anything that is in contrast to truth as real. There is a large group of awakened Ones[> 51% positive soul records], already operating in the new consensus reality. The time for Peace is now." Shalom,~Melchizedek

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Recordatorio para Puerto Rico y todos los países donde existe el Dengue.

No podemos dejar que esta plaga se propague por falta de conocimientos. Todos sabemos que los depósitos de agua son el lugar favorito para la propagación de este mosquito.

Si deseamos un mundo libre de plagas y epidemias, es responsabilidad de todos nosotros combatir estas plagas haciendo la debida limpieza de nuestros alrededores y evitar todo tipo de basura o desperdicios sólidos en los que se pueda acumular agua.

Si reciclamos, de esta manera podemos evitar una cantidad enorme de estos envases, por tal razón, tirar basura e ignorar que ésta pueda ser una mina para este mosquito, es aportar a la propagación de esta epidemia.

Actualmente Puerto Rico tiene un gran problema con las gomas que se están acumulando en lugares donde son depositadas o para reciclar o por deshacerse de ellas. Si continuamos haciendo esto de una manera irresponsable, combatir este mosquito será una tarea muy dificil para todos.
Los gobiernos hacen su parte, pero la mayor parte nos corresponde a todos.
Recuerda que nuestro niños son los más suceptibles a estas plagas y las personas con un sistema inmunológico debil.
Quieres ser responsable por un Mundo mejor?
Pues se voluntario de corazón y has tu parte. Puerto Rico y todos los países unidos en esta causa común, serán reconocidos por su aporte a la humanidad.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

La Gripe Porcina ( Fantasma sobre el pueblo Puertorriqueño)

Que pasa en Puerto Rico con la Fiebre Porcina (Swine Flu o H1N1)?

Los protectors de la salud en nuestro país no saben a donde acudir para saber el estatus de esta epidemia que supuestamente está arropando el país. Esto nos esta dejando en desventaja para poder defendernos de esta epidemia.
Que podemos decir en cuanto a esto?
Puerto Rico, has conciencia! No sabemos a donde estamos parados actualmente.
Aparentemente según los datos que se reflejan hoy día, 26 de agosto 2009, la comunidad de Puerto Rico esta a ciegas, ante lo que representa la presencia de este virus tan devastador (supuestamente) que ha surgido, alarmando la población mundial. Estamos a ciegas porque hay una inconsistencia con los datos que surgen, ( si es que los hay) y que de haberlos aparentemente son manipulados para que no sepamos lo que realmente está sucediendo con esta epidemia o pandemia como ya se ha declarado. Que pasa con la conciencia de nuestros dirigentes y los protectores de la salud en nuestro país? Que somos para ellos? Reses? Corderos en un corral a los que tienen en fila para llevarlos al matadero, mientras nos entretienen con yerbitas ( limosnas ) ( promesas ), sobre una recuperación de una economía que ellos mismos han destruido? Bueno, no deseo continuar con lo que no es el tema aquí, porque el propósito de este blog es para hacer conciencia en nuestro país y pedirles por favor que sean cautelosos con lo que sucede a su alrededor porque de esto depende la seguridad de nuestros hijos y nuestros seres queridos. La union en este momento es muy importante, la comunicación entre todos, mantener una hygiene absoluta de cuerpo y hogares, y sobre todo, no perder la fe en nuestra creatividad de manejar esta situación, para mantener esta amenaza fuera de nuestras vidas. El hecho de que no hayan resultados actuales sobre lo que esta pasando con esta epidemia, no significa que haya disminuido, pero a la misma vez, puede ser un fantasma creado, para mantenernos entretenidos, de la misma manera o peor, que cuando surgió el acto de terrorismo en las Torres gemelas. En esos momentos, el mundo se paralizó, y las consecuencias siguientes, verdaderamente no las conocemos como tal, por lo tanto, es de urgencia que todos estemos unidos y protejamos a nuestros hijos porque ellos son el futuro de este planeta.

Para información sobre las estadisticas pasadas que no tienen sentido de este flu pueden pasar a este link:

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dr. Brian O Leary Exopolitics and Energy

El Dr. Brian O Leary nos revela la verdad para que la humanidad vuelva a tener control de su planeta, y como la nueva tecnología podrá ser utilizada reemplazando la existente, que está destruyendo nuestra Tierra.
También nos habla de como la conciencia humana, en forma colectiva, puede producidr energía para curar, y crear nuestra propia realidad, y que hay prueba de esto.
Este es un mensaje muy poderoso e interesante para la humanidad y también un paso hacia un futuro de abundancia, salud y recuperación de nuestro planeta.
Este será el verdadero y paso real hacia lo desconocido que no debemos temer.
Despierta humanidad!, pues nuestro poder puede ser uno sin limites.

Dr. Brian OLeary Exopolitics and Energy

He brings the truth for humanity to take back control of our planet and how new technology will replace the existing energy, that is destroying our planet.He also talks about how the human collective consciousness can produce energy to cure and create our own reality, and that there is proof of this.This is a very interesting, and powerful message for humanity. This is also a step into the future to abundance, health and recovery of our planet.This will be the real first step into the unknown that we should not fear.Wake up humanity, for our power can be limitless!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Aereopuerto Interplanetario en Marte

Robert Dean, uno de los exponentes de la verdad en el tema de ufos y extraterrestres, en su presentación al mundo, nos habla sobre la vida extraterrestre y nos cuenta como la nasa destruyó 40 rollos de película con pruebas de la existencia de naves e instalaciones sobre el planeta Marte. El video presentado aquí, es uno de muchos que han sido publicados para el beneficio de los que buscan la verdad.
En el 26 de Julio del 2009 en Barcelona España, se celebró la Cumbre de Exopolítica donde se presentó información importante relacionada a todo lo que se ha ido desarrollando detrás de los bastidores con el tema de ufos, vida extraterrestre, nuestros gobiernos y sus complicaciones relacionadas a este tema, además de toda la tecnología existente que será la salida para que nuestro mundo cambie drásticamente para el bién de este planeta (Tierra) y su población.
Toda esta información hará que muchas personas, o tal vez la mayoría de la población mundial que tenga acceso a la misma, tenga un cambio positivo una vez se entere de todo lo que ha sido oculto por y para el beneficio de un grupo manipulador que ha mantenido a la humanidad atado de manos, ciegos y básicamente prisioneros y esclavizados, sin haber tenido la oportunidad de saber lo que significa la libertad, que “es derecho de todos,” como ley universal, haciendo de nuestra humanidad una de separación, odios, racismos, luchas sin fin y una economía falsa y engañosa, destruyendo así nuestras almas y derechos a vivir en un mundo de paz y union universal.
Uds, serán testigos y llegarán a sus conclusiones y verán que todo lo que ha sido ocultado hasta ahora, es la verdad.
Para muchos esto será una sorpresa, pero para los que han seguido este tema desde sus comienzos, será saborear el triunfo sobre una lucha sin descanso, la cual ha transcurrido sobre muchas decadas.
Finalmente, la divulgación de toda esta información, será lo que muchos han esperado con ansiedad, porque todos sabemos que nuestro planeta Tierra está muriendo por la insaciable corrupción y estrangulación de sus recursos naturales, solo para el beneficio de un grupo.
Muchos piensan que lo que ahora se llama “New Age Movement” o el Nuevo pensamiento, ha sido para manipular a el ser humano y guiarlo al famoso destino del Nuevo Orden Mundial, pero mi opinion es, que el propósito de este movimiento ha sido para que el ser humano despierte de este sueño y pueda ver la realidad, la verdad, de nuestro propósito aquí en la Tierra y lo que significa el futuro una vez estemos reconectados e integrados en el lugar a donde pertenecemos como seres humanos, si cambiamos de actitud a una positiva.
No se pierdan esta serie de videos e información, pues será la llave a tu Nuevo futuro y nuestro Nuevo Mundo.

Dr. Steven Greer on Technology

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dustin D. Brand explica contestación a mensaje extraterrestre

Se acuerdan uds. del mensaje que fué transmitido hacia el espacio desde el radio telescopio de Arecibo en el 1974, para saber si existe vida en el universo y que luego fué contestado con un (crop circle), círculo de las cosechas, con un mensaje similar al que fué mandado desde Puerto Rico?
En este articulo que se encuentra en la página:

09/05/2001 5:55:55 PM MDT Albuquerque, Nm By Dustin D. Brand; Owner AMO

We made contact - with aliens that is - this time they responded. It all started in 1974, before SETI (The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) was even formed (1984), but at the beginning of the Arecibo project. At this time, upgrading the Arecibo station in the US Territory of Puerto Rico was done with the help of Frank Drake and Carl Sagan. The Arecibo radio telescope dish to the left is the largest in the world. The first pulsar in a binary system was discovered in 1974 using Arecibo, leading to important confirmation of Einstein's theory of general relativity and a Nobel Prize for astronomers Russell Hulse and Joseph Taylor in 1993. The most interesting experiment in 1974 with Arecibo however was it's 3 Terawatt narrowband transmission of a "human template" in the direction of the M13 globular star cluster which consists of 300,000 stars and is in the constellation of Hercules.

Continua en:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Exopolítica - Busca la Verdad

Es muy cierto que mucha información que leemos puede causar miedo en muchas personas, pero esto deberiamos de descartarlo de nuestras mentes, porque de la única forma que podemos dicernir la mentira de la verdad, es enterándonos de todo lo que podamos, para escapar de una falsa que nos ha tenido atados a situaciones que no queremos seguir viviendo.

El tema de la Exopolitica actualmente es muy interesante, pues se dedica al estudio razonable y meticuloso de temas relacionados a la vida extraterrestre y las complicaciones que estas puedan tener con los humanos y los gobiernos.
Podemos encontrar muchos temas interesantes dirigidos a la revelación de la existencia de seres de otros mundos, como ya sabemos, por la información que podemos encontrar en internet y por personas que han sido contactadas por estos seres.
Otra razón para la exopolítica, es estudiar los motivos de los gobiernos y su deseo de mantener esta información secreta de la población mundial por propósitos para su propio beneficio y no para la humanidad.
En este artículo que ha sido permitido copiar y compartirlo con todos, veremos uno de estos ejemplos de información que pueden darnos una idea de lo capaces que pueden ser los gobiernos obscuros en cuanto a la manipulacion de la población mundial se relaciona, causando así desolacion, pandemias y otros muchos conflictos y atrocidades ( porque razon?)

Ya hemos llegado a la conclusión que todos nosotros debemos de estar unidos y concientes de que nuestro mundo no puede continuar en guerras, odios, racismo y destrución ambiental, pues todo esto, de continuar así, será definitivamente nuestro fín como raza humana.

Lea, entérese y póngase al día con toda la información que pueda. Estudiela y busque donde están las fallas y las mentiras, pero lo más importante, busque la verdad donde ésta pueda tambien estar escondida, pues esa verdad es la que hará que la vida suya y de sus hijos continue como es, mandato divino.
Protejase de la mentira, busque la verdad en su corazón y sabrá entonces que podemos conquistar nuestro futuro de una manera diferente a la que hemos vivido hasta ahora.
Tenemos la capacidad como seres humanos y hemos llegado a conquistar barreras que antes creíamos que eran fantasias de la mente.
Todo lo que el ser humano ha logrado hasta ahora, puede hacer de nuestro mundo uno diferente y de progreso para todos en todos los aspectos. Despierta! Abre tu conciencia y tu corazón a la verdad.

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The Illuminati versus Chinese Secret Societies: Exopolitical Implications of a Covert Global Depopulation Policy & Staged Extraterrestrial Invasion

Recently, Benjamin Fulford, a former bureau chief for Forbes Magazine in Japan, has come forward to reveal deep splits within the global power structures that control international finance, religious institutions and geo-politics. Fulford argues that these splits have grown so severe that unless a covert policy for significant global depopulation through contrived means is immediately abandoned, that there will be harsh consequences for those seeking to implement such a policy. Fulford has publicly taken on the role of spokesperson for what he claims are Chinese secret societies opposed to global depopulation policies that specifically target the Asian population. He has recently come out with public warnings on behalf of these secret societies on a popular radio show where he was interviewed on July 5 (see: ).
Fulford's claims and warnings to supporters of a covert global depopulation program are so startling that they could easily be dismissed as wild conjecture and neurotic conspiracy theory. There are however a number of reasons why his claims should not be simply dismissed and be considered on their merits. First, the quality of Fulford's journalistic investigations and professional background do not indicate he is someone prone to exaggeration and making unsubstantiated claims. Many of his articles with Forbes Magazine were and continue to be essential reading for Western businessmen desiring to invest or conduct business in Japan. Second, he has interviewed people in very senior positions in Japan over the last decade including seven Prime Ministers, captains of industry, security police and leading figures in the Japanese underworld. So he does have access to the shadowy underworld figures he claims have approached him to take on the issue of a covert global depopulation program. Finally, while a Canadian by nationality, Fulford has spent 20 years studying and working in Japan, speaks the Japanese language fluently, and understands Japanese culture and public policy making process very well. He therefore qualifies as a westerner very sympathetic to Asian values and could act as a spokesperson for a powerful organization with deeply embedded networks in Japanese society. All this suggests that Fulford's claims need to be considered on their merits.
Fulford traces the origins of the powerful elites responsible for the alleged covert global depopulation program to the leading banking families in Europe and North America. Due to their historical association with Freemasonry he refers to these elite banking families as comprising the modern day 'Illuminati' whose history can be traced all the way back to ancient Babylon (see: ). Fulford argues that a faction of the Illuminati centered around the Rockefeller family is intent on a radical global depopulation plan through a contrived war on terror, artificially created pandemics, and environmental disasters produced through advanced eco-weapons. In contrast, another branch of the Illuminati centered around the European based Rothschild family has distanced itself from such a plan as evidenced in broad European opposition to the Iraq war (see: ).
Most significantly from an exopolitical perspective, Fulford claims that there is an attempt to produce a global Armageddon with a contrived extraterrestrial enemy that will wipe out a significant proportion of humanity. According to Fulford, this would leave survivors so traumatized that they would be easily manipulated by the Illuminati. A number of whistleblowers including the late Werner Von Braun have argued that a covert plan exists to fabricate an extraterrestrial enemy to justify a new global war (see: ).
Fulford claims that it was his investigation into artificially created pandemics that targeted Asians in a covert effort to reduce their overall population to 500 million that triggered the attention of Chinese secret societies. He claims that the SARS virus and the avian flu virus (H5N1) are the first in a series of artificially created viruses that specifically target the Asian genome. Disturbed by the possibility that a covert global depopulation policy that targeted Asians was underway, secret Chinese societies based in Taiwan contacted Fulford to offer him their protection and recruited him to be their spokesperson.
Fulford contends that the effort to reduce the Asian population is a result of deeply entrenched racism and cultural chauvinism among Illuminati members who historically are centered in Europe and North America. Assuming that Fulford is correct that a depopulation program targeted at Asians is underway, it is worth exploring a number of exopolitical factors for why such a policy might have been implemented by Illuminati members, and the role of the Rockefeller family in such a policy.
First, the covert policy allegedly aims to reduce the current population of Asia from approximately 3.7 billion (over 56% of the global population) to 500 million people. One of the major reasons why new energy technologies and extraterrestrial disclosure have not occurred is that this would level the geo-political playing field very quickly. Cheap inexpensive energy that could be produced in-house would rapidly transform major population centers like China (1.3 billion) and India (1.1 billion). These and other Asian nations that currently struggle to feed and provide jobs for all citizens, would be transformed into flourishing financial powerhouses where their citizenry's full productive capacities could be utilized. Such a development would transform the way global financial structures are dominated from capital intensive industries in North America/Europe to information intensive industries in China/India, etc.
Second, not only would there be an erosion of Illuminati power and prestige due to its loss of control over global financial institutions, but there would also be widespread diffusion of technological capacities. This would significantly erode U.S. hegemony in the research and development of advanced technologies. This is especially important when it comes to the secret reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technologies which is dominated by the US military industrial complex. The Illuminati provide significant financial resources and global networks to ensure that the US gets the lion's share of extraterrestrial technologies recovered world wide and secretly relocated to the US. Much of this is achieved by maintaining present global dependence on fossil fuel consumption, and preventing alternative energy sources being developed.
Third, there is the possibility that a staged extraterrestrial invasion can be conducted to deceive the global population into surrendering civil liberties and political rights. This would enable the passage of draconian national security laws which would monitor and control the behavior and thoughts of the global citizenry. The development of a global national security system would ensure the control of elites who might fear that the official disclosure of extraterrestrial life would lead to a loss of governmental and covert Illuminati control over the global population. The collapse of governmental authority was an important factor cited by the 1960 Brookings Institute Report into the consequences of the general public learning of the existence of extraterrestrial life (see: ).
Fourth, the role played by the Rockefeller family in the development of US policies concerning extraterrestrial technologies and life cannot be underestimated. It was the intervention of both Nelson and David Rockefellers that was critical in persuading President Dwight Eisenhower to relinquish direct executive presidential control over extraterrestrial related projects. A corporatized military structure that was run by an appointed committee, Majestic-12 Special Studies Group, that was outside the normal governmental oversight process was instead created. The Rockefellers were able to ensure that through their control of organizations such as the Council of Foreign Relations and key personnel such as Dr Henry Kissinger, that they would play a substantial role in directing covert policies on extraterrestrial affairs (see: ). Most importantly, the Rockefellers have been the leading proponents of a global secrecy program concerning extraterrestrial life with the exception of a few family members such as Laurence Rockefeller (see: ). How much credence should be given to Fulford's radical claims? Certainly his professional background and access to senior political, financial and cultural figures in Japan can be verified. He has also published a recent book detailing at greater length his claims and providing evidence to substantiate the existence of a covert depopulation program that specifically targets Asians. As far as him being a spokesperson for Chinese secret societies vehemently opposed to such a depopulation program, that is harder to verify. Nevertheless, his work for Forbes Magazine gave him privileged access with key figures and forces in the Japanese economy which almost certainly included the Japanese underworld. This makes it very plausible that he is familiar with and could have been easily approached by Chinese secret societies as he claims. Significantly an Australian expert in reverse speech analysis tested Fulford's speech patterns during his July 5 radio interview and concluded that he was not lying and that the reverse speech patterns are congruent with his claims (see: ).
Perhaps most credence for Fulford's claims come from the revelations of filmmaker Aaron Russo who claims to have befriended a leading member of the Rockefeller family, Nick Rockefeller. According to Russo, Rockefeller admitted that 911 was in inside job, that the war on terror was contrived to convince the global population to submit to draconian national security laws such as microchipping, that leading banking families intended to maintain strict control, and that a depopulation program to cull the global population by at least 50% was underway (see: ).
While investigations have just begun to determine the accuracy of Fulford's radical claims, the exopolitical implications of a struggle between Asian and North American/European secret societies can be expected to be very significant. If Fulford is accurate in his main claim concerning the determination and ability of Chinese secret societies to target banking elites involved in a global depopulation policy, then it becomes clear Asian secret societies can severely disrupt any contrived global depopulation program by the North American branch of the Illuminati. This would ensure that in a post-disclosure world the full productive capacities of China and other Asian nations would not be significantly diminished.
The frustration of plans to covertly depopulate strategic regions of the planet such as Asia, would inevitably lead to a major realignment of financial and political power on the planet. More significantly, the power and influence of the Rockefeller family in repressing information concerning extraterrestrial life and technology would be significantly diminished. This would significantly accelerate the timing of official disclosure concerning extraterrestrial life. Most importantly, it would influence the way in which disclosure was made and thereby lead to the failure of efforts to present extraterrestrials as a new security threat justifying advanced space weapons or to stage a fake extraterrestrial invasion (see: This would consequently lead to the release of suppressed technologies and alternative energy sources that are used by extraterrestrial civilizations. Extraterrestrial disclosure would prove very beneficial to Asian economies which have the bulk of the world's population and stand to benefit most from distribution of alternative energy sources.
Just as the regular U.S. military is not happy with continued suppression of advanced extraterrestrial technologies (which is why so many military personnel have been safely able to come forward [see: ]), so too secret societies in China, and other Asian nations are not happy with the current non-disclosure program. Furthermore, there appears to be a genuine split between North American and European branches of the Illuminati (elite banking families) over global depopulation policies. That makes for a powerful alliance of pro-disclosure interests that must greatly worry members of the increasingly isolated North American based Illuminati and Majestic-12 Group that has historically played a leading role in repressing information concerning extraterrestrial life and technology.Michael E. Salla, Ph.DKona, Hawaii 07/16/07
***Further Reading"Benjamin Fulford on Jeff Rense" (Transcript of Radio Interview) Benjamin Fulford, "The History of the Illuminati", Makow, "Chinese Secret Society Challenges Illuminati,"
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mi Pueblo

Este es mi pueblo.


Estampas Moroveñas

Música de Lucesita Benitez

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Para los que creen que la vida continua este video es muy revelador. La verdad de nuestra existencia sigue revelandose através de estas cosas que todavía muchos creen ser falsas.

Child's Nightmares and Memories Prove Reincarnation

Link al video

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ovni fotografiado al norte de Colombia mayo 8

Otro ovni es captado por una camara de celular al norte de Bogotá.
Los expertos en ufología, aseguran que este objeto es real, indicando que
actualmente somos visitados por seres de otros mundos.
Este video impresionante fué captado durante la tarde del 8 de mayo.
Por lo visto, continuan los avistamientos de ovnis con más frecuencia, lo que
nos indica que definitivamente algo extraño ocurre en nuestro mundo con respecto
a estos objetos no identificados.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Project Camelot entrevista a Bill Holden

Este video es my interesante aunque fué hecho en el 2007"
Bill Holden quién trabajó en el Air Force One, nos relata una pequeña historia que
mantuvo con el presidente JFK , relacionada a ufo's y aliens.
Holden relata que tuvo un encuentro con uno de estos seres el cual le dió un mensaje para la humanidad, y dice así:
"Dile que paren de destruir a la Madre Tierra. Diles, que aprendan a amarse los unos a los otros y que lleven sus mentes y sus altas vibraciones del corazón, a niveles mas altos"
Mi opinión es que este mensaje es muy importante, por tal razón no creo que seres de otros mundos deseen hacer mal a los habitantes de la Tierra. Más bién es un mensaje de amor.
La mayoría de la población mundial, ya se ha dado cuenta, que somos nosotros los responsables por el daño que se le ha hecho a la Tierra, debido a nuestros estílos de vida y diferencias entre nosotros.
Ya nos hemos dado cuenta que las guerras no llevan a nada y el desperdicio y mal uso de los recursos naturales nos están indicando que el daño ha sido uno de grandes proporciones.
Llevar nuestras vibraciones a un nivel positivo más alto, ayudará mucho en la manera en la cual podremos enfrentar las calamidades que puedan presentarse debido a ésta destrucción terrestre, y convertirnos en seres creativos positivos, para buscar soluciones todos unidos con una nueva visión que pueda traer nuevas formas de tecnología, dirigidas al rescate de nuestra amada Madre Tierra.
Ya existe mucha tecnología la cual está siendo introducida en el mercado, que será de gran ayuda, que eventualmente eliminará el uso del petróleo para generar energía eléctrica en nuestros hogares, etc.